Knebworth Community

From Knebworth Community
Revision as of 11:43, 20 April 2020 by Steve (talk | contribs)

Coronavirus Pandemic

Please visit the Covid Response Team website for the latest info.

This website has a page on more generic Covid-19 News with some local coronavirus links.


Since the demise of, Knebworth has not had a general site to collect together news and information about the village. I thought a wiki would be a good choice, because with this sort of website anyone can register and contribute. I taught myself how to install mediawiki, and this is the result. Please feel free to explore and contribute.

I haven't promoted this site on social media, as I am still tweaking the configuration of MediaWiki (the software the site runs on). I also felt that launching in a time of SARS-CoV2 was not exactly auspicious as the existing sites seem to be doing a good job of keeping folk informed. I am not an expert on the software and I want to make sure that it's robust and scalable before Knebworth folk start to put in the effort to create content on the site.

There are relatively few sources of news in Knebworth. An honourable mention must go to Knebworth News who tweets about local events.

Knebworth Organizations



Sports Clubs

Knebworth Family of Churches